loans sba

Learn more about SBA Loans


This is the Small Business Association’s main program for $350,000 to $5 million loans, with terms of 7 to 25 years.


This government-guaranteed loan for financing real estate or equipment has low contribution requirements.


SBA Express Loans & Line of Credit

This is a good option for those who need working capital loans under $350k. The simplified application process and quick turnaround time make this an appealing alternative to the standard 7(a) loan.

Export Working Capital Loan

Loans designed to help American small businesses expand their export activities. These are best for businesses engaging and growing in international business.

CAP Lines

This program has five SBA lines of credit designed to provide up to $5 million to help small businesses meet their working capital needs.

Membership required. On approved credit.  For more information visit Account Information, Terms & ConditionsCurrent Rates, and Fee Details.

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